Wednesday, April 14, 2010

today is seriously shaping up to be a horrible one.

went to bed last night vowing to make today a happy one. where i pull myself out of the doldrums and into the sunshine.

i guess Murphy really is my best friend.

here's what happened:
1. i woke up late. i distinctly remember pressing the snooze button when my alarm went off at 6, only to find that the next time i opened my eyes, it was 6.53. BLOODY HELL! i literally leapt out of bed, rushed to the toilet and in record time was in my clothes, frantically putting on my makeup. it's a good thing i had already picked out what to wear last night and they were just tossed on my bed's bedframe.

but it's ok. i managed to reach work at 7.15. which isn't late at all. so i was still bright-eyed and bushy tailed. eager to await the good things that will come my way and that all is right with the world. my hair looked good today, no more breakouts, i managed to get a lift to work. yada, yada, yada.

2. got to work later than my MO to find that she had already rounded. and it turns out, she got blasted on my behalf about a case that was really stupid. we had a patient that was being difficult about her blood sugar monitoring and yesterday i went to talk to her about it. so after doing that, the rational thing would be document in the case notes as to what went down. and yesterday while documenting, already at the back of my mind i knew that this would blow up in the morning as the consultant in charge of the patient was known to be irrational and really anal about her patients. and i was right. consultant blasted the MO and the nurses this morning saying that we were incompetent.

so i guess it was a good thing that i came late, right? since i didn't get the brunt of the consultant's wrath. but i felt really bad for my sweet MO who i swear is made out of milk and honey. she is the sweetest thing. so i was STILL optimistic about today. i smelt nice, the nurses told me i looked very pretty, i was wearing pretty new shoes and i finished all my work before 9.45am. etc, etc, etc.

but i digress.

3. i failed a test that was basically failproof! wtf. didn't help that i was post call and falling asleep ON the test paper itself. there were drool marks to prove it. so tired that i left at least 3 questions blank. i knew that on the last page, i wasn't even reading the questions anymore and was basically circling the answers blindly. now i gotta retake the test. and i don't know when that will be. and it might be a viva. i hate viva. thank goodness it doesn't affect my posting results. cross my fingers that they won't find the time to reschedule and i end up finishing my posting before they can. but knowing my luck, that won't happen.

i have succumbed to my deplorable fate that is making a mockery out of my optimism.

and now i'm cheering myself up by OD-ing on vitamin gummy chewables.

my life sucks.

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