Sunday, April 18, 2010

awkward moments are probably the least favourite situations a person can be in. be it at work, in their personal lives, with strangers and even with their loved ones. i myself have had my fair share of awkward moments. some people may think that to avoid awkward moments, one just has to avoid them and let it blow over by itself. but i, on the other hand, feel that awkward moments should be ridden out like pain. of course, there are painkillers you can take to ease or even numb the pain. but that leads to dependance and addiction. but if you ride through the pain, not only would you be able to handle the pain better if it comes back, you'll also learn how to block it out and eventually live with it until it subsides on it's own. that's what awkward moments are like for me. i'd rather go through them sooner rather than later and i think it's a pretty darn good philosophy.

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