Thursday, May 15, 2008

emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards

ancient romans believed that chickpeas to be a powerful aphrodisiac, especially for men

the size of your foot is approximately the size of your forearm

the only thing that can destroy a diamond is intense heat

on average, woman dream more than men

there are 34 bathrooms in the white house

the largest member of the cat family is the male lion weighing 240kg

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

the gastric juices of a snake can digest bones and teeth, but not fur or hair

the blow of a blue whale can reach over 12 meters in height

the short-term memory capacity of most people is between 5 and 9 items or digits

mickey mouse has four fingers on each hand

the average person spends 2 weeks of their life waiting for a traffic light to change

120 drops of water fill a teaspoon

the inca indians of panama tie a string of chillies on behind their boat to repel sharks

the largest pumpkin ever grown recorded a weight of 482kg

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

an eggshell has nearly 8000 pores that allow oxygen to flow in and carbon dioxide to flow out, allowing the chick to breathe

researchers claim that light green as a colour is effective in relieving the feeling of homesickness

an average person sheds about 750grams of skin per year

embryos of tiger sharks fight each other while in their mother's womb, the survivor being the baby shark that is born

ancient greek and roman men had an average lifespan of 36 years

a fear of dying laughing is called cherophobia

a baby grey whale consumes enough milk to fill more than 2000 bottles a day