Monday, May 25, 2009


it's really been quite a while hasn't it?

i'd actually left this blog up for death but something kept pulling me back.

many a time have i come back to this page and itched to type something out.

but i always felt that my little rantings and posts have been insignificant and somewhat silly.

but here i am again. silliness or not, i feel the need to write.

many things have happened since i last penned down a few lines. i'm now working in Singapore. enjoying it, i have to admit...that i am. i've made some very nice friends whom i share a bond with. be it slaving away together or just struggling and relearning life afresh. patients are the center of my world now as they are all i see everyday. and odd as it may sound, i look forward to work every morning. dredging out of bed at 6am every morning isn't as hard as i thought it would be.

i've come to learn a lot about myself. that i CAN do things if i put my mind to it and that i should JUST DO IT instead of making excuses and procrastinating. true, i may get scolded and yelled at along the way. but then it all just becomes water under the bridge. after all, housemanship is only a year. and then..who knows where life may take me. i'm blessed that i've got really great people who have my back and who i know i can always call on for help. makes me feel less anxious. true, i started out late...a whopping 4 months after graduation. but no regrets. i've done many things in my 4 months of non-medicine. and i loved it.

having visitors come visit me from home has been another up in this bungee life. the anticipation and excitement it brings when i know that the weekend is coming and a loved one is going to be at my doorstep. but reality always hits after a mere 48 hours of bliss and parting; as a wise man once said 'is such sweet sorrow'. although i find nothing sweet in it now, i know that the sweetness he so enigmatically spoke about will eventually come.

and now...on to greater things in life.

'when there's trouble, they call DW'