there has to be something wrong when i can't even finish eating 2 sushi rolls without feeling like i'm gonna burst.
so GP has been utterly fantastic. great doctors, great nurses, really cool patients and most of all, lovely drug representatives that bring free food to entice the hearts of the doctors to buy from them. hope they come everyday so i don't have to bother packing my own lunch or buying it if i'm running late.
getting to the clinic's a bit of a hassle though. the bus doesn't really stop directly in front of the clinic, it stops about 1km away. so i've been walking a lot lately. calves getting super toned but at the end of the day, i'm so tired, they involuntarily go into spasms and cramp up.
today's session starts at 2. so, i've been playing house the whole morning. cleaned my room, scrubbed the toilet, washed the clothes. i'm turning into a regular stepford wife. minus the blond hair and bimbotic facade.
oh, and did i mention, i've started keeping fish? guppies. bought 5 of them, 2 have since died. don't ask me how, i don't know either. you'd think the daughter of an avid fish keeper would know how to keep a few measly guppies alive. guess not. they cost me an arm and a leg as well! one fish cost 3.75AUD. back home, they'd cost 50 cents! crap...
me : daddy!! i bought fish!!
daddy: nice. how did you cook it?
me : huh? i bought fish for keeping lar! guppies!
daddy : many?
me : 3 males and 2 females.
daddy : ... you should have bought 1 male and 3 females lar...
me : but they're the same price! i thought buying the colourful males would have been the better choice.
daddy : how much did they cost?
me : urm...3.75 each?
daddy : (due to the lag over the phone line, there was literally a 30 second silence) WHAAAAAAAT!?!!?!?! tzap kui korh??? (hokkien for almost RM20) can buy me 2 meals already!
me : but...but...but...they were the cheapest fish!!
daddy : couldn't you have just gone into the drains and fished up a few??
me : daddy...i don't even see drains here. they're all under the roads..
daddy :'re supposed to be investing in ASSETS not LIABILITIES!!
me : but they ARE assets! don't tell me all the fish at home, not assets arr?? then you got more liabilities than me!
daddy : then you better make sure your fish start breeding so you can sell the babies and make money.
good ol' daddy...
1 comment:
Making my penis bigger has actually taught me several things, except for the fact that it is actually ultimately possibly and permanent, he said. The first is that penis sizegenetics surgery is not necessary. Surgery is costly, in fact it is also very risky, even in cases where the procedure goes smoothly without any complications. Besides that, surveys have shown that almost all men may possibly well have gone under the knife usually aren't pleased with results.I also learned that pumps don't work. Next time i decided I wanted to start making my penis bigger, I bought a pump, and wasn't a cheap one either.
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