Wednesday, April 16, 2008

it's been another couple of months since i last blogged. again it's boiled down to a WHOLE lot of laziness and just a little bit of busy-ness.

as previously logged, the boyfriend came to visit. was extremely happy for those very short 9 days. to put it in his words;

'it was as though i didn't have any worries. everything was perfect'

cliche? i think so too. but very true nonetheless.

so what do i have to do to revive a dying blog. at this point, you're probably going;

'oh no. it's another one of those "how to save my blog from it's diminishing readership" posts'

well, sucks to be you then, doesn't it?

i've joined a gym. if anyone cares. have been going everyday for the last week. except today. i've got a headache. feels like an elephant's stomping around in there. i've been wondering to myself if it's just the 'new brooms sweep clean' mentality i'm going through right now, since i've been going everyday. or could my subconscious be silently egging me on, cheering for me to change my very--what's that word? it's at the tip of my tongue but i can't seem to get it. come on, come on. SEDENTARY! that's it. my subconscious could be silently egging me to, cheering for me to change my very sedentary lifestyle in the hopes of reaching new heights of health and happiness. i don't get that phrase. people keep saying, healthy people are happy people. these 'people' obviously have never been to a gym. because when i'm there, the only kinds of people i see are the ones that are overweight, gritting their teeth and puffing out their very red cheeks trying to catch their breath. they don't look very happy to me. no siree. and have you ever encountered those people who are so regimented in their routine, that if you were coincidentally caught using a weight machine that is part of their routine at their OWN set time, they'd snarl at you and give you very dirty, scary looks, FORCING you to get off 'their' machine. no thank you. i'll just stick to the treadmill and the bicycle thank you very much.

so--why am i going to the gym again? i forgot.

anyone know of how to get rid of headaches? since panadol and nurofen doesn't seem to work for me.

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